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About Nina

Nina Ohlin is a multidisciplinary artist and mechanical engineer. She creates vibrant mixed media collage art that disrupts the familiar and reopens narratives for imagination. Her works have been featured in books, art shows, design markets, and communal installations around the world.


With a spirit of playful experimentation, Nina continues challenging conventional perspectives using common materials to reveal unexpected connections. Her passion also includes empowering others to utilize collage art to reset mindsets. She regularly hosts hands-on workshops, teaching both analog and digital collage techniques and inspiring participants to harness this accessible medium as a valuable tool of self-expression.





Som konstnär skapar Nina Ohlin i flera olika tekniker och skapar vibrerande collageverk med mixade media som bryter normer och öppnar upp det fria sinnet. Du kan hitta hennes konst I böcker, konstutställningar och designmarknader runt om I världen. Nina arbetar ävensom mekanisk ingenjör.

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